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At TJK All-N-1 Power Washing, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of power washing services, catering to both residential and commercial needs. Whether you need your home, business, equipment, or vehicles cleaned, we’re equipped to handle it all.
Your home is one of your biggest investments, and we want to help you keep it looking its best. We specialize in power washing residential houses and buildings, removing dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and stains that can accumulate over time. Our soft washing techniques ensure that your home’s exterior is cleaned without damaging delicate surfaces.
First impressions matter, and a clean, professional exterior helps your business stand out. We offer commercial power washing services to ensure your building's exterior is spotless. From storefronts to office buildings, we have the tools and expertise to tackle any commercial property, giving it a fresh, welcoming look.
Concrete surfaces can easily become stained and dirty, detracting from the overall appearance of your property. Whether it’s your driveway, sidewalk, or parking lot, we offer effective power washing for residential and commercial concrete to restore its clean, fresh appearance.
If you're looking to keep your camper or RV in top condition, our camper washing services are just what you need. We’ll clean every part of your vehicle—removing grime, dirt, and buildup to help maintain its exterior and protect it from the elements.
We understand that farm equipment and heavy machinery are essential for your operations. That's why we provide thorough power washing services for equipment like combines, tractors, and other machinery. Our team ensures that your equipment is cleaned effectively, improving both its appearance and performance.
Our semi-truck washing services are perfect for keeping your fleet looking sharp. We clean the exteriors of semis, trailers, and trucks, ensuring a spotless appearance and proper maintenance of your vehicles. We also offer interior cleaning for semi cabs and equipment cabs, especially during the winter months. If you need this service outside of winter, feel free to contact us, and we’ll accommodate your schedule.
In addition to our main services, we can also help clean boat docks, headstones, and other unique surfaces. Whether it's cleaning a cherished family memorial or keeping your boat dock ready for the season, we've got you coveredIn addition to our main services, we can also help clean boat docks, headstones, and other unique surfaces. Whether it's cleaning a cherished family memorial or keeping your boat dock ready for the season, we've got you covered.
We take pride in providing high-quality service to every customer. We understand that every job is different, which is why we approach each one with care and attention to detail. Our goal is to improve your property, equipment, or vehicles, and ensure complete satisfaction with every project we complete.
Proudly serving Ohio counties including Brown, Adams, Pike, Highland, Clinton, Clermont, Hamilton, Preble, Fayette, Ross, and more. In Kentucky, we cover Mason, Fleming, Bath, Rowan, Lewis counties, and beyond. We are happy to travel up to 3 hours in any direction to serve you!
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